Male' - Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) head office in Male' was broken into and vandalised by thieves on Wednesday. According to the secretariat, the incident occurred whilst the office was shut between 4:30pm and 9:30pm. "They broke in and forced open all the lockers. They also ripped the wood off the walls and door. We called the police immediately," Sec-Gen Hamid confirmed. It is unclear whether this was a random incident or a premeditated assault on party premise by the Dictator's thugs, which could not be ruled out considering such incidents in the past. Premises belonging to democracy activists and supporters have been under attack since the movement began and recent incidents such as that of robbery at Capital Travel office have once again raised concerns about the on-going lawlessness in the capital Male'. Many believe that these incidents are organised to create fear and unrest amongst the public.